Friday, December 28, 2012

happy birthday SISTER!! :)

     Hey! it's my sister's today. She's turning 20 oh! time flies too fast. I remember when we were kids my lola used to scold me for not calling my sister ate I just call her by her name. haha! maldita mode eh. LOL

     But now I can't tell her how thankful I am to have her as my sister because she can join me on "baliw baliwan" haha! We have the same interests like in terms of clothing, gadgets and etc. Maybe because she's just 2 years older than me. Big changes happen as we grow old, we are not cats and dogs anymore that quarrel everyday because of very small things. You know kids very short minded. Now that we are matured-thinker enough to understand things.She's not only a sister to me also a bestfriend, I can tell her now things that bothers me.

  I just wanna say thank you for spoiling me.haha! joke! Thank you for riding my trip because I know you already feel being a fangirl and you are worser than me.haha! LOVE YOU sister :) ♥

 PS: hindi po ako mahilig magsulat gaya nito.haha!

                                                 WildSpirit, xx

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