Wednesday, August 01, 2012

JMAP Acquaintance Party

         Last July 21,2012 the Junior Management Association of the Philippines ( JMAP ) held an acquaintance party at Westown Hotel, Smallville Complex with the theme "Pink Panther". It was a blast for us first timers even though we're already on our 2nd year in college. Here are some pictures we had that night.

( L-R: Rosanie, Nerry, Jennica, Me, Fatima, and her boyfie Jann)

 like this picture even though the focus is the glass of water.haha!

photo taken before the program starts

with the most awesome teacher.haha! Sir Coby:)

haggard faces we have Nerry.haha!

( Pink Dress: PopShop, Black Belt: Genevieve Gozum, Gray Pumps: Parisian)

The rain didn't stop us to party after the program.haha! xx

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