Friday, September 21, 2012

Rosanie at 18

           This girl had been my friend since 4th year high school. We are very much opposite with each other. but frankly speaking at first I find her so "maarte" peace friend :P But I don't know why how did we got that  very close friend. But I love this girl so much. "Through thick and thin" that's our motto. Here's some photos  that I will share to you guys:

Stolen picture before the debutant's grand entrance

The debutan't parents Tita Cecil and Tito Raul


 The gang minus me:( haha! cause I'm the one who's taking this photo:D

happy happy birthday gi!:) love you ♥ :*


Friday, September 07, 2012

University Day 2012

Day : Foot Parade

Junior Management Association of the Philippines (JMAP)

Day 2: Picnic

Girls just wanna have fun:P

                      This is not the best U-day so far but I can still say that it's better than last year's :)
By the way thanks to Mang Inasal for sponsoring our lunch.haha!!

                                                                 WildSpirit, xx